God showed his generosity and compassion by sending his son, Jesus, for us. As followers of Jesus, we give our time, talents, and money joyfully in response to an understanding of the generosity of a good God.


1386 La Loma Rd. Pasadena, CA 91105

Becoming a generous community.

A generous life is one where our lives are marked by what we give, not by what we receive, so we give generously in a way that reflects the goodness of God. Generosity flows from an understanding of God’s abundance and is grasped through practice, love, and openness. Jesus says in Matthew 10:8, “Freely you have received; freely give.” In the economy of the kingdom the more we can release, give, share, empower others with life, resources, money, talent, information, relationship or any capital we possess the greater the impact we have in the life to come.

Church Plant Partnership


Being a city church plant requires significant measures of resources and dependence; first and foremost on the Holy Spirit and God’s provision, but also outside partnerships. The adventure God has us on will have its trials and celebrations. Along the way, there will be financial goals we will need to achieve. 


The Call.

We do not believe that the call of this church plant is contingent upon the finances. The call to Los Angeles remains, whether the money is there or not. Less money must not mean less mission, or we’ve missed the pattern of the Apostle Paul and, more importantly, the call of Jesus and his mission for the church. If we are not able to fundraise the anticipated amount, we will pray, re-strategize and move forward accordingly.

The Plan.

We anticipate living much like vocational missionaries in the early season, building relationships with the community, making connections with people, learning the culture, and making disciples. Over time, by God’s grace, we anticipate becoming self-funded and even sending resources to help others, much like we will be helped in the early years. 

The need.

Our financial needs will include staff salaries, initial one time start-up funding, ongoing ministry purchases, and renting facilities. Here are some important things to note: 

  • We are seeking financial partners who can begin giving as soon as today. 

  • We are seeking partners for as long as it takes (usually 3-5 years).

  • It’s important to have both start-up funds and monthly support.

For more info please contact